January 27, 2023

Friday – Prophets

Isaiah 10-12

Highlight Verse:

“In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.”

Isaiah 10:20 NIV

The times in my life when all has been stripped away have been the times that I relied on God the most. There have been times when I was down to the stuff I could fit in my car. One time when the minivan with all my stuff catastrophically failed. Other times when I didn’t know how the bills would be paid.

I had nothing but God.

And God has always been faithful.

On the flip side of this, I believe we should always be on the lookout for when we can be God’s hands and feet to those who have nothing left.

In those times when I relied on God,

He used people to meet my needs.

It was God’s people who provided me with furniture when I got here.

It was a man of God who enabled me to move here in the first place.

In desperate times, people have provided me with food, money, shelter, and most importantly, hope! Their faithfulness has kept me following the one whom they follow.

Do you rely on God in both the good and bad times?

Are you attentive to when He calls on you to provide for others in their hard times?

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